
This month’s reflection is “Celebrating our Annual Community Meetings”. We look back at everything the past year has held – both its triumphs and its losses – coming together to remember is a powerful way to promote communities where everybody belongs.

Download NOVEMBER 2021 Reflection (PDF)

Prayer Guide

The theme for this month’s Prayer Guide is “Hope in Action”. Christian Horizons Annual Community Meetings are a time to reflect, celebrate, and mourn all that has happened in our 7 districts across Ontario and Saskatchewan over the 2020/2021 year. Stories of “Hope in Action” highlight the way people who use Christian Horizons services have lived their lives in their own way despite the ongoing pandemic.

This prayer guide is included below to print and make available at various locations as an optional resource for employees, people receiving support, families and church partners. If you have any questions about the prayer guide or items to include next month, please contact

You can access prayer guides and other resources at

Download NOVEMBER 2021 Prayer Guide (PDF)