August 12, 2021
Vaccination Celebration Raffles Update
Further to last week’s announcement of the upcoming Vaccination Celebration Raffles, if you cannot receive the COVID-19 vaccine due to a Human Rights protected ground and would like to participate in the raffle, the process is as follows:
Send an email to indicating you would like to participate in the raffle and attach valid documentation to support your accommodation need.
Not sure what valid documentation would look like?
You can ask your supervisor or send an email to and Human Resources Specialist, Lina Fonnegra will answer questions and collect the names and documentation confidentially. When documentation is validated, your name will be entered for the raffle.
*To participate in the August 27 raffle valid documentation must be submitted by August 24. Employees who submit after that date will still be eligible to participate in the next raffle.
Policy Reviews Added to Christian Horizons Workplace Learning Management System (LMS)
This week, you may have seen several Christian Horizons Policy reviews added and then since removed from your My Training page in the LMS. There is further development required to the content of these reviews. These reviews will be assigned in the near future for all applicable employee groups.