June 10, 2021
To: All Employees in Ontario
As we have shared with you in our COVID-19 Resource updates and in Janet’s most recent email to all employees, Christian Horizons is introducing rapid antigen screening in Ontario in the coming weeks as another precaution to limit the spread of COVID-19. In this initial phase, we will be rolling it out at several direct support locations that have already been selected, with a plan to expand the screening program to all locations in the coming months.
This is an additional screening tool that can help locations to detect asymptomatic cases of COVID-19 in employees, visitors and anyone within the home/workplace who chooses to complete a rapid antigen test. The tool allows employees and the people who use our services the option to perform rapid COVID-19 testing up to 3 times per week through a simple, painless, and self-administered nasal swab where the results will be available within 15 minutes.
To support the implementation of this screening initiative, we have developed Rapid Antigen Screening Instructions to assist and equip employees conducting this rapid antigen, point-of-care screening. To learn more about the rapid test and how to handle biohazardous waste, please review the embedded Instructions document below. A list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) is included.
Rapid Antigen Screening Instructions-ON-June2021
Rapid Antigen Screening FAQs-ON-June2021
If you have any questions or require further clarification about this screening process, please contact Gregory Crunican at gcrunican@christian-horizons.org.
Dwayne Milley,
Vice President of Operations