May 20, 2021

Vaccination information collection

Vaccinations are happening across our country and it is great to hear that many employees and people who use our services have already been vaccinated or are scheduled to be vaccinated in the coming weeks. We are seeing studies indicating the vaccines’ success at reducing the incidence and severity of COVID-19, and for that, we are very thankful.

If you have been vaccinated and are willing to share this information with Christian Horizons, please submit your vaccine information using the following link:

**Note: If you have already provided your vaccination information to your manager or to Human Resources directly, thank you for doing so, and you do not need to resubmit the information.  Additionally, if you have only provided information for your first dose, please use the link above to submit your 2nd dose information once you have received it.

Should you want more information about the vaccines, please visit CHconnect/COVID-19 Pandemic Response/Vaccine Info page or join us this Friday with Dr Moriarty and a panel of experts, to learn more.  The Register link is available here.

WorkWell Survey Results have arrived!

Thank you to the 1124 employees who completed the WorkWell survey last month! This represents 41% of the active employees at Christian Horizons.

As previously shared, Christian Horizons contracted with the YMCA WorkWell team to conduct this All Employee survey. This past week, WorkWell has shared the initial data with the Organization Leadership Team, which includes Executive Directors and Directors. Currently, these leaders are participating in 1:1 consultations with WorkWell to understand the community reports.

In the upcoming weeks, you will hear more information from the District and Department leaders.

Continue to watch for updates here in On the Horizon!

New Human Resources Information System (HRIS)

Further to our announcement on May 4th in On the Horizon announcing the selection of UKG Software as our new HRIS System, the HRIS Steering Committee has put together a video sharing some reasons why we are so excited about the improvements this product will bring to Christian Horizons.

The next step is to develop the implementation plan… stay tuned!

Tiny Habits

Further to Janet’s video last week, including tiny habits in your day can tap into positive emotions creating a happier and healthier life. They may not seem like much, but if you practice them regularly, they can change your energy level, your fitness, your relationships, your work, your community, and your environment in big ways.

Tiny habits can be included in any area of your life! For the next four weeks, the Meeting Your Needs article will include 5 tiny habits.

Tiny Habits for Better Physical Health can include:

  • Drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning to increase your water intake.
  • Parking as far away as you can from the door to get more steps into your day.
  • Eating raw fruit or vegetables with every meal. Not only will you get more nutrients in, you will also be getting in more fiber and potentially helping your body lose weight, retain energy, and decrease hunger.
  • Stretching every hour, on the hour. Stretching can be a calming way to relieve stress and tension.
  • Carry a small bag of nuts or beef jerky everywhere you go. Getting a little more protein in your diet can help boost your metabolism and build your muscle.

Stay tuned for next week’s 5 tiny habits about Better Mental Health!