Updates to the Medical Accommodation Form

For Program Managers/Team Leaders

The Assessment for Medical Accommodation form has been updated based on feedback HR received from leadership. The updates are intended to simplify the completion of the assessment form. Please continue to use this form when assessing limitations and/or restrictions that require accommodation. To obtain a copy of the assessment form please contact the Abilities Specialist.

For All Employees 

A new medical leave of absence mailbox has been created. Please submit a general medical leave of absence or accommodation inquiries, information requests and send P99b forms directly to medicalleaves@christian-horizons.org. Please continue to send medical documentation/information to Acclaim Ability Management.

March 18, 2021

SunLife Update

Good news! New options are now available in your SunLife package to support your psychological health.

As we continue to look for more ways to support employees, the Joint Employee Associations in Saskatchewan and Ontario have been advocating for additional resources to be made available for employee’s mental well-being.

In response to the JEA’s recommendation, all SunLife benefit packages now have more options for psychology services. In addition to Psychologists and Social Workers, the psychology benefit coverage has been expanded to include Clinical Counsellors, Psychotherapists, and Psychoanalysts.

Starting April 1, 2021, all employees with a SunLife benefit plan will have these services included. Keep in mind this also includes employees with the Health Spending Account who can choose to use their credits towards these services.

For questions regarding benefits, employees can contact the dedicated email benefitinquiries@christian-horizons.org or visit Sun Life Benefit Information on CHconnect.

Free Mental Health Fitness Training

Are you interested in starting mental fitness training?

During the month of April, Christian Horizons Benefit Consultants, NFP is providing FREE weekly 30-minute training classes.

Starting April 6, you will have access to live virtual drop-in mental fitness training as well as an innovative App, both designed to teach work-related, foundational brain optimization skills necessary to have more resilience, focus, calmness, energy, and joy in your daily life.

Each week the live 30-minute training classes focus on a critical skill and provides you with innovative, evidence-based training you need to build that specific “brain muscle” in a fun, easy, and unique way.

Give yourself a much-deserved brain break and learn the skills you need to live your best life.

Class Details


  • Week 1: When overwhelmed, do this.
  • Week 2: Reducing Anxiety in a Crisis
  • Week 3: Goodbye distraction. Hello focus!
  • Week 4: Be curious under pressure.

Register now via the links below:

YMCA WorkWell

Get Counted in!

Christian Horizons has partnered with the YMCA WorkWell organization to leverage their Insights Survey tool as a means of collecting your feedback on making our organization a great place to work. This survey is brief and it contains important questions and includes voluntary demographic information. This is an opportunity to participate in the collection of data on the diversity of our employees, which is a recommendation of the anti-racism taskforce.

We will be launching this online survey across the organization on March 29th and we are hoping to achieve participation from ALL employees. Watch your inbox for an email invitation to complete the survey at the end of the month.

Personal Pandemic Evaluation

One year in. It’s both hard to believe and yet seems to stretch on forever – pandemic time.

Where are you at? How are you?

Christa at SoulPlay.ca has put together a Personal Pandemic Toolkit to help you give yourself and those around you an honest appraisal of where you’ve been and where you’re going at this profound moment in the pandemic. We hope you find it helpful.

Download your Free Printable Resource