Internal Job Postings
You can now access internal job postings from any device without a username and password. We made this change after receiving feedback from you, through the Joint Employee Associations.
A link to the internal job postings are included each week at the bottom of this e-newsletter. Internal job postings can also be found on the external website under Staff Logins:
Payroll Calendar
We recently learned of a few errors with the 2020 Payroll Calendar. The calendar has been updated with the following details:
- Boxing Day will be observed on December 26th
- December 28th is a QHR approval day
- There will be 27 pay periods in 2020
- December 31st will be the last pay day of the year, not January 1st
Click here to get your updated calendar.
Rebate for Drivers with Co-Operators
If you are participating in the employee discount from the Co-operators Group Auto and Home Insurance, please note they are offering a 10% discount on premiums paid April 1 to May 31, 2020.
Register for your rebate Driving Refund Discount at by August 31, 2020.
To learn more about other employee discounts , see Employee Discounts on CHconnect, under the Quick Links on the main page.