During this pandemic, we’ve shared that our main priority is the health and well-being of the people who use our services and the employees who support them. While we’ve been focused on physical health with the measures we’ve implemented, we know that your well-being also includes our working relationship with you. Please know, we are committed to you. If COVID-19 has taught us anything, it’s that we’re in this together, and we’re stronger together and that when we operate in unity we can even fight against a worldwide, killer virus. Thank you for continuing in this fight – for wearing a mask, washing your hands, and keeping a safe distance.
As of yesterday, there is one (1) employee who is currently positive for COVID-19 in one (1) Christian Horizons community in Ontario. We have no active cases in Saskatchewan.
Christian Horizons Statistics
(Running totals since March 19, 2020)
Provincial and National Statistics
(Beyond Christian Horizons)
Christian Horizons Global
Internationally, cases of COVID-19 continue to rise. Here in Canada, we’re thankfully seeing a decrease. We continue to pray for our partner organizations in Ethiopia, Kenya, Haiti, Guatemala, and Nicaragua, as well as our colleagues in other countries where we’ve partnered in the past. In these developing communities, food security is a challenge. On a brighter note, this week we received emails from a partner in Ethiopia – their internet is active again, and the political challenges there have calmed.
Sad News
This past weekend, two people within Christian Horizons passed away. Adrien lived in Whitby, Ontario, and Nancy lived in Regina, Saskatchewan – they were both in palliative care arrangements. While their deaths were not due to COVID-19, grieving looks different these days, so we join with their families, friends, and support staff to mourn their passing and honour their lives.
Please continue to check out the resources page at https://covid19.chconnect.org/. As always, I’m available at dmilley@christian-horizons.org if you wish to contact me.
Stay safe,
Dwayne Milley
Vice President of Operations