Our Commitment to Employees is “to be treated with dignity and respect, heard and engaged in resolving conflicts, informed of duties and responsibilities, provided with adequate administrative and supervisory support, informed of performance levels, compensated on the value of contributions, honoured for years of service, and considered for promotional opportunities.”

The Joint Employee Association (JEA) works to create a collaborative approach to hear employees’ concerns and make recommendations regarding employment conditions. Don’t forget to provide your feedback to your District JEA representative. Their contact details and further JEA information is available on Employee Engagement on CHconnect.


The Human Resources department is launching a new secure system for employees requesting employment letters. For example, if you require an employment letter for a bank loan, you can now complete your request with the online fillable form found on CHconnect. Once the form is completed you will receive the employment letter within two business days at your Christian Horizons email address.

Moving forward, please use the new secure and efficient online platform for all employment letter requests. As well, to protect your privacy please only provide your Christian Horizons email address to receive your completed letter.

Human Resources is looking forward to continuing to provide this service in a new and improved way.​​