​Payroll Calendar

The 2021 Payroll Calendar is now available on CHconnect.

Click here to download the Payroll Calendar.

RRSP or TFSA: How to Achieve Your Financial Goals

During the pandemic, have you been seeing the market fluctuations and thinking about your financial goals? They could be short-term savings for a home renovation or long-term savings for retirement. Our Benefits Broker, NFP has provided a tip sheet to help achieve those goals and explain the difference between investing in Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) and a Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA). Click here for more information.

Ontario Employees who would like their second Stipend deposited directly into their RRSP can do so by completing a P-9:8c One Time Bonus RRSP Contribution form. Forms are to be sent to hradmin@christian-horizons.org by December 27, 2020. Click here to access the form on CH Connect.

Below are services available to support your financial planning.

Canada Life Plan Member Helpline T. 1-800-724-3402

Contact Canada Life to…

  • Obtain your confidential Password and ID to allow you to access your member account including the Retirement Planning Tools and Calculators
  • To speak with someone about your investment choices and understand how to determine suitable investments for you
  • To have Canada Life change your current investment allocations and/or your future investment direction
  • Update your personal information (beneficiary/name/address)

Service Canada

Contact Service Canada to…

  • Learn about your CPP and/or OAS benefit entitlements follow this link “My Service Canada Account” or 1-800-277-9914
  • Not sure of your RRSP contribution limit?
  • Check your Notice of Assessment from your 2019 Tax Return
  • Contact Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) TIPS Line 1-800-267-6999 or follow this link “My Account” to set up your account. (Or go to www.canada.ca select “taxes” from the categories provided)

NFP Canada

Tracy Girling

Consultant, Group Retirement

T. 1-877-251-4612 x41294

E. tracy.girling@nfp.com​​