​If you haven’t heard, we’re planning some webinars to help inform people about what we know and our plans thus far regarding the COVID-19 vaccine. The first one was this afternoon, focused internally. On Monday afternoon, January 18th, we’re hosting another one for everyone – the people who use our services, their families, and employees.

Here’s a link to register for the Monday webinar: Christian Horizons Vaccine Engagement Sessions.

As of yesterday, Christian Horizons has two (2) people who use our services and twenty (20) employees who are currently positive for COVID-19 in seven (7) Ontario communities and one (1) Saskatchewan community.

Christian Horizons Statistics

(Running totals since March 19, 2020)

Provincial and National Statistics

(Beyond Christian Horizons)

Christian Horizons Global

Around the world, life continues. There are joys and challenges as each country, like us, takes it day by day. In Guatemala, this week our team lost one of their community partners, a church leader who opened doors for us to work in rural communities to support people with disabilities and the community at large. We are not sure if it was specifically a COVID-19 related death but with limited testing and overwhelmed medical facilities, they may never know.

At the same time, in Managua, our team is preparing for the start of a new school year and celebrates the hiring of a new teacher at the Preschool program. Josseline is the newest member of the team who will help prepare children with and without disabilities to enter school.

Please visit our resources page, which is updated regularly, at https://covid19.chconnect.org/. I remain available at dmilley@christian-horizons.org.

Dwayne Milley

Vice President of Operations​